Contatti personali

  1. Aggiungere un contatto
    Click on New. Enter contacts details and click on Save.
  2. Modificare un contatto
    Visualizza le informazioni personali del contatto e poi clicca su Modificare.
  3. Foto
    Puoi aggiungere una sua foto. La maggior parte dei formati vengono accettati: GIF, JPEG, BMP, PNG, TIFF e RAW. La foto viene ridimensionata automaticamente.

    Modifica il contatto e clicca su Caricare sotto la foto vuota.

  4. Birthday
    If you enter the birthdate of a personal contact, a repeated event is automatically created in your calendar for 25 years from today.
  5. Mappa
    Visualizza le informazioni personali del contatto e clicca su Mappa. Questa opzione è disponibile solo se è stato inserito un indirizzo postale (privato o professionale) per questo contatto.
  6. Add a comment
    You can add a comment to a Contact. Comments on a group contact will be displayed to all group members.

    Select Comment in the Contact Actions. Contacts with comments appear with a special icon.

  7. Attach a Document
    You can attach (or link) a Document to a Contact. For instance, you can attach their resume to a person.

    Display the Contact details and click on the Attachments tab. Then, select a Document.

    Note: if the contact is shared, make sure you grant the necessary access rights.

    You can display the Document details from the Contacts. You can also break the link to the Document later.

Rubrica di gruppo

  1. Accesso ai contatti di gruppo
    Select the group name in the context selector, which default value is "Private".
  2. Diritti di accesso predefiniti
    • Visualizzare i contatti: tutti i membri del gruppo (non può essere modificato).
    • Modificare i contatti: il creatore del contatto (può essere modificato).
    • Aggiungere dei contatti: l'amministratore del gruppo (può essere modificato)
    • Eliminare dei contatti: l'amministratore del gruppo (può essere modificato).
  3. Creators: allow edition
    The right to Edit a contact will allow selected members to keep it up-to-date. It is granted contact by contact.
  4. Administrators: allow add and/or delete content
    Grant the Add content (i.e., contacts) or the Add and delete content rights. Delete content means deleting any contact in the group.
  5. Grant access rights to a member
    1. Click on Add.
    2. Select a group this member belongs to.
    3. You can also search for this member by entering their name (or part of it) in the search field.
    4. Select the right you wish to grant in the Access rights pull-down menu.
    5. Click on Add.
    6. The member now appears in the rights summary.
    You may select several members.

    You can remove the access rights you have granted at any time.

  6. Grant access rights to all group members
    1. Click on Add.
    2. Select a group.
    3. Select the access right you wish to grant in the Access rights pull-down menu.
    4. Click on Add.
    5. The group now appears in the rights summary.
    Note: If someone joins the group later, he will automatically be granted the same access rights. If you wish to avoid that, grant rights to the individual members that are now in the group.

    Likewise, if a current member leaves the group later, he will lose the granted access rights.

    You can remove the access rights you have granted at any time.

  7. Aggiungere un contatto di gruppo
    Attenzione: Puoi aggiungere contenuto solo se l'amministratore del gruppo ti ha dato l'autorizzazione.

    Aggiungi un nuovo contatto come faresti nel tuo ambiente privato.

  8. Condividere un documento privato con un gruppo
    Attenzione: Per usare questa funzione, l'amministratore di gruppo ti deve aver autorizzato ad aggiungere dei documenti nella cartella root (cartella di primo livello) dei documenti di gruppo.

    Se il documento si trova già nei tuoi documenti privati, puoi condividerlo con il gruppo. Vai ai tuoi documenti privati e seleziona Condividere con dei gruppi nel menù Azioni del documento. Poi contrassegna il nome del gruppo. Se non è possibile contrassegnare la casella significa che l'amministratore di gruppo non ti ha autorizzato ad aggiungere dei documenti nella cartella root dei documenti di gruppo.

    Il documento appare nella cartella root dei documenti di gruppo. Ora puoi spostarlo in un'altra cartella (se sei autorizzato a aggiungere dei documenti nella cartella scelta).

  9. Share group data with another group
    Just like you can share a private item with a group, you can share a group item with another one. Open Share with groups and select a group where you have been granted the Add content right.

    Because sharing has to be done document by document, you should not use it too often. It's probably better to create an additional group containing common data than sharing many items between 2 groups.

Eliminare dei contatti

  1. Eliminare un contatto
    Display the contact Actions and select Delete.
  2. Eliminare una sezione di contatti
    Select the contacts to delete, display the Actions and select Delete.
  3. Svuotare la rubrica
    This operation will delete all contacts from the current address book. Tick the box on top of the list, left to New and then click on Delete in the Actions.

Il messaging

  1. Inviare una email
    Clicca su uno degli indirizzi email del contatto.
  2. Inviare un SMS
    Clicca sul numero di cellulare del contatto.

    Attenzione: Ti consigliamo di firmare i tuoi messaggi SMS per informare il destinatario da chi vengono.

  3. Inviare un fax
    Clicca sul numero di fax del contatto.

    Se non è possibile cliccare sul numero, controlla se era stato inserito nel formato internazionale. Controlla anche se il numero era stato inserito nel campo fax. Modifica il menù a tendina e impostalo a 'fax' se c'è bisogno.

  1. Search in tools and environments
    The search field is located in the upper right part of the screen. Enter a word or its first letters to launch a search.

    Search and tools:

    • If you are using a tool (Messages, for instance) and launch a search from there, it will search in this tool.
    • If no tool is selected when you launch a search (in the homepage, just after you have logged in, for instance), it will search in all tools. The results list will display the data type for each result. To get back to the homepage, click on the logo in the upper left corner.
    Search and environments:
    • If your private environment is selected when you launch a search (your private documents, for instance), it will search in this environment.
    • If a group is selected when you launch a search, it will search only in this group.
    • You can broaden or narrow the search by clicking on the triangle to display the advanced search options. In the Search in section, select Private or Private + Groups. If you select the latter, search will be done in all groups at the same time.
  2. Advanced search
    Most tools have an advanced search, the search criteria being specific to each tool.
  3. Search field syntax
    • If you enter several words, you will get data that contain all these words. If you enter "OR" between words, you will get data that contain one of the words.
    • The search does make a difference between uppercase and lowercase.
    • You can add a star (*) after at least 4 characters to search on all words starting with these characters.
    • holiday Hawaii (equal to holiday AND Hawaii) will return data containing holiday and Hawaii.
    • Maui OR Hawaii will return data containing Maui or Hawaii.
    • "great holiday" (with the quotation marks) will return data containing the "great holiday" expression.
    • "info*" will return data containing words starting with info (information, informative, informed, etc.)
    • virus -computer will return data containing the word "virus" but not the word "computer".
  4. Results
    Results are limited to 200 items and are sorted by relevance.
  5. Ultima ricerca
    Potrai visualizzare i risultati della tua ultima ricerca cliccando su Risultati della ricerca nella parte sinistra dello schermo.


  1. Print a single contact
    Display the Contacts Actions and select Print.
  2. Print a Contacts selection
    Select the Contacts to print, display the Actions and select Print.

    Tick the top checkbox to print all Contacts.


  1. What are tags for?
    Tags allow for organizing your data with labels such as Urgent, Important, etc. and/or by project, client, etc. The first step is to create your own tags.
  2. Access to the tags
    Select any data, display its Actions and select Tags.
  3. Create a tag
    Display the tags of any data and click on Add. Enter the new tag name and choose a colour (optional).
  4. Edit a tag
    Tag names cannot be edited. However, you can change their colours.
  5. Delete a tag
    In the left part of the screen, display the tag Actions and select Delete.
  6. Tag an item
    Select Tags in the item Actions. In the tag window, tick one or more checkboxes, depending on the tags you wish to set. Later, you will be able to select other tags or unselect the current ones.

    Another method: select a Tag on the left without releasing the mouse button and move it to the item (drag & drop). You can also start from the item and drop it on the Tag.

  7. Display data with a given tag
    There are two ways to do this:
    • Click on a tag in the left part of the screen. If the tag list is not displayed, open it by clicking on the triangle. To get back to the normal display, click on the current folder (My calendar, My contacts, etc.)
    • Open the advanced search and select a tag.
  8. Tags and groups
    Tags belong to a person and not to a group: there are no group tags. It is not advised to use tags in a group data.

Sincronizzazione dispositivi mobili

  1. Funzionalità
    Sincronizzare le app dello smartphone (iPhone, iPad, Android, ecc.) con ContactOffice Messaggi, Calendari, Contatti. Accedere ContactOffice ai dati direttamente dalle app (es: Calendario di iPhone) e sincronizzarle.

    Puoi sincronizzare più dispositivi, ContactOffice è il server.

    Nel caso di problemi durante la sincronizzazione (caduta della connessione, mancanza di corrente, ecc.), la sincronizzazione successiva assicurerà l'aggiornamento dei dati su ContactOffice.

    Questa sincronizzazione mantiene i dati già presenti nel tuo smartphone.

  2. Local data and server data
    Data already present on your mobile device always remain. Data present on ContactOffice will be added in a different "layer": if you disable the mobile sync, this layer will disappear.

    Your device needs to know where the data you create has to be stored: in the device or on ContactOffice. For calendar and contacts, please make sure to select your ContactOffice account in the respective apps.
  3. iPhone/iPad
    1. Make sure you are connected to a reliable and fast network.
    2. Go to your device 'Settings'.
    3. Tap 'Passwords & Accounts'.
    4. Under 'Accounts', tap 'Add Account'.
    5. Tap 'Exchange'.
    6. Enter your ContactOffice email address and a description such as 'ContactOffice'
    7. Tap 'Next'
    8. An alert appears: "Sign in to your ContactOffice Exchange account using Microsoft?". Tap 'Configure Manually', as your ContactOffice account is not hosted on Microsoft servers.
    9. Enter your ContactOffice password.
    10. Tap 'Next'
    11. Enter the server: Enter the Username: NOME UTENTE (your ContactOffice username)
    12. Tap 'Next' and your device will check the settings. By default, it will synchronize 5 data types (Mail, Contacts, Calendars, Reminders and Notes). Turn off Reminders and Notes because ContactOffice doesn't handle them. Turn off other tools if necessary.
      Tap 'Save'.
      At this point, data starts being synchronized. The time needed for the first synchronization to complete depends on the amount of data.
    13. By default, your device synchronizes Mail for 1 month. You can set a different setting in 'Passwords & Accounts' > 'ContactOffice' > 'Mail Days to Sync'.
    Note: help for iOS 12.
  4. Android (Samsung, etc.)
    As many versions of the Android platform coexist, it is impossible to give a step-by-step guide for each of them.

    As a general rule:

    1. Make sure you are connected to a reliable and fast network.
    2. Go to your device 'Settings'.
    3. Go to the 'Accounts' tab and tap on 'Accounts' under 'My accounts'.
    4. Tap on 'Add account'.
    5. Tap on 'Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync'.
    6. Enter connection settings for ContactOffice, probably in 'Manual settings':
      • email address: your ContactOffice email address
      • Login: NOME UTENTE
      • Password: your ContactOffice password
      • Server:
      • TLS/SSL: yes
    7. Your device now tries to communicate with the server.
      Note: It can take a few minutes for data to show up.
    8. Change the settings to your liking.
    9. Give a name to this connection and tap on 'Done'.
    10. The data sync starts.
      Otherwise, you can start it manually: go back to step 2 and 3 and then tap on 'Sync all'.
      The time needed for the first synchronization to complete is related to the amount of data.
  5. Other
    All devices and software that can synchronize with an Exchange server (ActiveSync protocol) can synchronize with ContactOffice:
    • Windows Mail (Windows 8 & Windows 10)
    • eM Client
    • etc.
    Use as settings your username (NOME UTENTE) and ContactOffice password, your email address and as server name: Use a secure connection if it's available.

Sincronizzazione con Outlook

  1. Funzionalità
    Outlook (>=2013) si sincronizza direttamente con ContactOffice.

    Puoi sincronizzare la posta, i contatti e il calendario tra ContactOffice e Outlook. I dati di ContactOfficeappariranno dentro Outlook, ma in un account separato.I dati già presenti in Outlook non appariranno in ContactOffice, a meno di importarli dentro ContactOffice.

    NB: Outlook si sconnetterà dal server in caso di problemi di sincronizzazione. Per riconnettersi al server, selezionare la scheda "Invia/Ricevi" e cliccare due volte sul bottone "Offline".

  2. Impostazioni
    1. Select the "File" tab
    2. Select "Info" in the left column (if not already selected), then click on the "Add Account" button
    3. Select "Manual setup or additional server types". Click on "Next".
    4. Select " or Exchange ActiveSync compatible service". Click on "Next".
    5. Fill in your name, your email address, the server (, your username (NOME UTENTE) and ContactOffice password. Click on "Next"
    6. Click on "Finish"

    "The server cannot be found" (Outlook 2016)
    If you have entered the correct server value above and get the error "The server cannot be found" in Outlook 2016 (version 16.0.8431.2079 or later), it is because a Microsoft upgrade set your Outlook to connect to Office 365 using Simplified account creation". You can disable this behaviour by following the steps explained here.

CardDAV synchronization

  1. Better to use synchronization
    If both your subscription and your device (computer, smartphone, tablet) can handle synchronization, we advise to use the latter. Set-up is easier, there is only one set-up for all tools and synchronization is more robust. However, unlike the protocol explained in this help section, it does not handle group members and group data.
  2. Features
    Contacts can be synchronized with CalDAV compliant third-party software.
  3. Limitations
    Synchronizing between different software implies limitations:
    • If you use the calendar at the same time in ContactOffice and in one or more third-party software: make sure to update the calendar in the third-party software before you make any change from it, otherwise changes made in ContactOffice will be lost.
  4. Compatible software
    NB: Microsoft Outlook has no CardDAV capabilities.
  5. Software settings
    Settings depend on the software used.

    Apple AddressBook

    1. In the "AddressBook" menu, select "Preferences".
    2. Select the "Accounts" tab.
    3. Click on the "+" at the bottom of the window. In the window that opens, select "CardDAV", enter your username (NOME UTENTE), your ContactOffice password and the address of your address book:
      If it does not work, try with: UTENTE/private/contacts.


    1. In "Settings", select "Contacts", then "Add an account"; select "Other" and eventually "Add a CardDAV account".
    2. Enter in the "Server" field.
      If it doesn't work, try with UTENTE/private/contacts.
    3. Enter your username (NOME UTENTE) and ContactOffice password.
  6. Rubrica di gruppo
    To access a group address book, use the following address: Beware, the group name is case-sensitive: capital letters must be entered as capital letters.
    Use the following address on Apple iPhones and iPads (from iOS 13):

Legami Skype

  1. Funzioni
    Skype è un sistema di telefonia via internet. Puoi chiamare altri utenti Skype gratuitamente. Con SkypeOut, puoi chiamare telefoni fissi o cellulari a un costo molto ridotto.

    Se attivi i legami Skype nella rubrica del ContactOffice, potrai:

    • Usare Skype per chiamare i contatti privati e di gruppo che hanno un indirizzo Skype
    • Usare SkypeOut per chiamare ogni numero di telefono dei contati.
    Per sapere di più su Skype e SkypeOut, vai al sito internet di Skype.
  2. Attivare i legami Skype
    Di norma, i legami Skype non sono attivati. Vai alle Parametri dei Contatti e contrassegna la casella accanto a SkypeOut.

Importare - Esportare

  1. Importare
    Prima di importare, seleziona un ambiente (privato o di gruppo). Clicca su Importare nella barra di menù e scegli un formato di file: Outlook, Google, vCard, LDIF o .csv.

    La finestra di importazione ti mostra quanti contatti puoi importare.

  2. Esportare
    Vai alla rubrica (Privata o di gruppo), clicca su Esportare e scegli un formato: vCard, CSV o PDF.

    Per esportare un unico contatto, visualizza le informazioni personali del contatto e clicca su Esportare vCard.


  1. Access to Settings
    There are several ways to access the Settings:
    • From any tool, click on the "..." button in the Actions and then choose Settings.
    • Click on your name in the right upper part of the screen to display the menu and choose Settings.
    • In the horizontal toolbar, choose the Settings icon. Note: this icon has been removed in the latest versions.
  2. Display order
    Contacts are displayed in the order First name - Last name. You can reverse the order.

    This order is used in all windows displaying persons lists (Contacts tool, add participants to a meeting, access rights, etc.).



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